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Studs - Metal end ≈ 1,25 d

DIN 939 - 1995

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德标DIN 939 - 1995 DIN939 939DIN Studs - Metal end ≈ 1,25 d
Calculate weight and price. Weight 1000 pcs : kg x $ per kg = $ 1000 pcs
Default density g/cm3
Nominal Length L Tips:seclect Nominal Length L and get Weight .
Thread Size
M4 M5 M6 (M7) M8 M10 M12 (M14) M16 (M18) M20
P Pitch
Fine thread
Very fine thread
b2 L≤125
0.7 0.8 1 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2 2.5 2.5
/ / / / 1 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
/ / / / / / 1.5 / / / /
5 6.5 7.5 9 10 12 15 18 20 22 25
14 16 18 20 22 26 30 34 38 42 46
20 22 24 26 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
/ / / / / 45 49 53 57 61 65
1.75 2 2.5 2.5 3.2 3.8 4.3 5 5 6.3 6.3
0.9 1 1.25 1.25 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.5 3.2 3.2
Weight of per 1000 steel products(≈kg)
- - - - - - - - - - -
Thread Size
(M22) M24 (M27) M30 (M33) M36 (M39) M42 (M45) M48 (M52)
P Pitch
Fine thread
Very fine thread
b2 L≤125
2.5 3 3 3.5 3.5 4 4 4.5 4.5 5 5
1.5 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
/ / / / / / / / / / /
28 30 35 38 42 45 50 52 58 60 65
50 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 110
56 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 116
69 73 79 85 91 97 103 109 115 121 129
6.3 7.5 7.5 9 9 10 10 11 11 12.5 12.5
3.2 3.8 3.8 4.5 4.5 5 5 5.5 5.5 6.3 6.3
Weight of per 1000 steel products(≈kg)
- - - - - - - - - - -
a)Steel, Property class (material): 5.6,8.8,10.9; Standard DIN EN 20 898-1
b)Other strength class or materials shall be subject to agreement.

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6 Double End Studs [IFI]
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7 Studs with a length of engagement equal to about 2.5d [DIN]
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10 Double End Studs-bm=1.25d [GB]
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11 Double End Studs-bm=2d [GB]
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12 Double studs [JIS]
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13 Double End Studs for Pipe Flange Connection [GB]
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14 Double End Studs (Clamping Type)-Product Grade B [GB]
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15 Double End Studs-bm=1d [GB]
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16 Double End Studs For Pipe Flange Connection [GB]
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18 Double End Studs For Pipe Flange Connection - PN designated [GB]
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19 Double End Studs(Clamping Type) - Product Grade C [GB]
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20 Double End Studs - Product Grade B for Pipe Flange Connection [GB]
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21 Connections With Waisted Stud - Type L [DIN]
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22 Metric Clamping-Type Studs [Table 2] (ASTM F568, F738M, F468M) [ASME]
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Metric Clamping-Type Studs [Table 2] (ASTM F568, F738M, F468M)
23 Connections With Double End Studs - Type GQ [DIN]
DIN 2510-4 (GQ) - 1971
Connections With Double End Studs - Type GQ
24 Special Foundation Bolts [DIN]
DIN 797 - 2009
Special Foundation Bolts
25 Connections With Double End Studs - Type HS [DIN]
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26 Connections With Double End Studs - Type GS [DIN]
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Connections With Double End Studs - Type GS
27 Special Foundation Bolts [DIN]
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28 Double end studs [DIN]
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29 Metric Tap-End Studs (1.50 Engagement) [Table 3] (ASTM F568, F738M, F468M) [ASME]
ASME B 18.31.1M - 2008 (R2016)
Metric Tap-End Studs (1.50 Engagement) [Table 3] (ASTM F568, F738M, F468M)
30 Connections With Waisted Stud - Type KU [DIN]
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32 Connections With Waisted Stud - Type K [DIN]
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33 Connections With Double End Studs - Type HQ [DIN]
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35 Connections With Double End Studs - Type HR [DIN]
DIN 2510-4 (HR) - 1971
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36 Studs for Use with T-Nuts [DIN]
DIN 6379 - 2003
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37 double end studs (ASTM A354 / A449 / F593 / SAE J429) [ASME]
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38 Clamping type studs [ASME]
ASME B 18.31.2 - 2008
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39 Connections With Double End Studs - Type HP [DIN]
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40 Double End Studs [DIN]
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41 Connections With Double End Studs - Type GR [DIN]
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42 Dimensions for Tap-End Studs (1.5d Engagement) (Inch Series)(A193 / A320 / A437 / A453 / A540 / A1014)[Table 3] [ASME]
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43 Metric Double End Studs [IFI]
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44 Connections With Waisted Stud - Type Z [DIN]
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46 Connections With Waisted Stud - Type ZU [DIN]
DIN 2510-3 (ZU) - 1971
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47 Connections With Double End Studs - Type GP [DIN]
DIN 2510-4 (GP) - 1971
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48 Dimensions for Clamping Type Studs(A193 / A320 / A437 / A453 / A540 / A1014) (Inch Series) [Table 2] [ASME]
ASME B 18.31.2 - 2014
Dimensions for Clamping Type Studs(A193 / A320 / A437 / A453 / A540 / A1014) (Inch Series) [Table 2]
49 Stude Threaded End ≈2d [DIN]
DIN 835 - 1972
Stude Threaded End ≈2d
50 Connections With Waisted Stud - Type AD [GB]
GB /T 13807.2 (AD) - 2008
Connections With Waisted Stud - Type AD
51 Studs - Product A And B  (b1=1d, 1.25d 或 2d) [NF]
NF E 25-135 - 1986
Studs - Product A And B (b1=1d, 1.25d 或 2d)
52 Connections With Waisted Stud - Type A [GB]
GB /T 13807.2 (A) - 2008
Connections With Waisted Stud - Type A
53 Screwd Studs -B.S.W.Thread  [Table 6] [BS]
BS 2693-1 - 1956
Screwd Studs -B.S.W.Thread [Table 6]
54 Connections With Waisted Stud - Type SD [GB]
GB /T 13807.2 (SD) - 2008
Connections With Waisted Stud - Type SD
55 Set of Anchor Bolt with Rolled Threads for Structures - ABR [JIS]
JIS B 1220 (ABR) - 2015
Set of Anchor Bolt with Rolled Threads for Structures - ABR
56 Set of Anchor Bolt with Rolled Threads for Structures [JIS]
JIS B 1220 - 2010
Set of Anchor Bolt with Rolled Threads for Structures
57 Connections With Waisted Stud - Type L [GB]
GB /T 13807.2 (L) - 2008
Connections With Waisted Stud - Type L
58 Studs - Product A and B b1=1.5d [NF]
NF E 25-135 - 1986
Studs - Product A and B b1=1.5d
59 Double End Studs, bm=1d [UNI]
UNI 5909 - 1966
Double End Studs, bm=1d
60 Screwd Studs - B.A. Thread  [Table 7] [BS]
BS 2693-1 - 1956
Screwd Studs - B.A. Thread [Table 7]
61 Screwd Studs - B.S.F. Thread  [Table 5] [BS]
BS 2693-1 - 1956
Screwd Studs - B.S.F. Thread [Table 5]
62 Stainless Steel Double-end Stud Bolt [JIS]
JIS A 5540 - 2008
Stainless Steel Double-end Stud Bolt
63 Double End Studs, bm=1d [UNI]
UNI 5909 - 1993
Double End Studs, bm=1d
64 Long Metal End Studs - ISO Metric Coarse Thread - Finiah A [UNI]
UNI 59141966
Long Metal End Studs - ISO Metric Coarse Thread - Finiah A
65 Medium End Studs (b1=1.5d)-ISO Metric Coarse Thread - Product Grade A [UNI]
UNI 5911 - 1993
Medium End Studs (b1=1.5d)-ISO Metric Coarse Thread - Product Grade A
66 Medium End Studs  -ISO Metric Coarse Thread - Product Grade A [UNI]
UNI 5911 - 1966
Medium End Studs -ISO Metric Coarse Thread - Product Grade A
67 Connections with Waisted Stud - Type S [GB]
GB /T 13807.2 (S) - 2008
Connections with Waisted Stud - Type S
68 Screwd Studs - UNC Thread [Table 4] [BS]
BS 2693-1 - 1956
Screwd Studs - UNC Thread [Table 4]
69 Bolts of Turnbuckle for Building Made of Rolling Steel - Double Ended Stud [JIS]
JIS A 5542 (A3) - 2003
Bolts of Turnbuckle for Building Made of Rolling Steel - Double Ended Stud
70 Connections With Waisted Stud-Studs - Type S [GB]
GB /T 13807.2 - 1992
Connections With Waisted Stud-Studs - Type S
71 Screwd Studs - UNF Thread  [Table 3] [BS]
BS 2693-1 - 1956
Screwd Studs - UNF Thread [Table 3]
72 Set of Anchor Bolt with cut Threads for Structures - ABM [JIS]
JIS B 1220 (ABM) - 2015
Set of Anchor Bolt with cut Threads for Structures - ABM
73 Double-end Dtud Bolt, Carbon steel and hot-clip zinc coated carbon steel [JIS]
JIS A 5540 - 2008
Double-end Dtud Bolt, Carbon steel and hot-clip zinc coated carbon steel
74 Double End Studs [YJT]
YJT 2003 (BCEQ-9411 A1)
Double End Studs
75 Double End Studs [GOST]
GOST 22032 - 1976
Double End Studs
76 Double End Studs [CNS]
CNS 4605 - 1978
Double End Studs
77 Double End Studs [CNS]
CNS 4604 - 1978
Double End Studs
78 Double End Studs [CNS]
CNS 4603 - 1978
Double End Studs
79 Double End Studs [CNS]
CNS 4609 - 1983
Double End Studs
80 Double End Studs for T-Nuts [CNS]
CNS 4607 - 1983
Double End Studs for T-Nuts
81 Double End Studs [CNS]
CNS 4606 - 1983
Double End Studs
82 Flange Connections of Wellhead Equipment  - Stud - Modification 1 [GOST]
GOST 28919 - 1991
Flange Connections of Wellhead Equipment - Stud - Modification 1
83 Flange Connections of Wellhead Equipment - Stud - Modification 2 [GOST]
GOST 28919 - 1991
Flange Connections of Wellhead Equipment - Stud - Modification 2
84 Double End Studs - Type 2 [OCT]
OCT 26 - 2040 (Type 2) - 1996
Double End Studs - Type 2
85 Double End Studs - Type 1 [OCT]
OCT 26 - 2040 (Type 1) - 1996
Double End Studs - Type 1